Environmental sustainability (Climate change)

Eramatata Olmanyara™(Environment Management)

Climate change threatens the livelihoods and well-being of all people and societies. Yet the impacts of climate change are likely to be worse for the poor and marginalized, who lack the resources to effectively adapt as droughts, floods, and other concerns take effect. And because climate change affects ecosystems and agriculture, many of the negative effects will disproportionately burden women and youth, who bear the responsibilities of food production and water collection. This program aims to assist the community in finding ways to reduce the impacts of climate change within the rural spectrum of Kajiado County.

Program Pillars


Environmental justice and land rights advocacy

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Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems

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Water, sanitation and hygiene

Patinaai Osim is a term of endearment, used by Maasai mothers preserved for their children, loosely translates to, “my little one who brings me joy”


PO Box: 70 Emali, Kenya 90121

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